Wednesday 20 November 2013

Shit Is Going Down!!!

So. For about a week I have been ignoring the fact my Mac needs technical attention.
But of course with coursework looming and what with all the editing of footage - I've chosen to blissfully ignore it.
Well. Tonight its finally and inevitably died!!!!

So... its midnight and im frantically searching the internet for Mac book pro fix it places that claim to be quick and cheap!
Ive found one place, which hopefully i'll hear from in the morning, but for now... no editing footage or photos for me D: Not sure how i'll cope! HOW CAN I GO THROUGH A DAY WITHOUT EDITING SOMETHING!!! ~
But that okay... On my personal statement I said how good I was at adapting with different situations... So im just gonna chill and tomorrow instead of editing film in media - i'll work on paper (collecting ideas for film, planning portfolio) and work on my media blog and perfect all that. And pray my laptop gets fixed so I can make up the editing time I've lost/losing.

Dear GOD I sound insane X)

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