Friday 15 November 2013


This is an inversed shot I did on photoshop of the shot below.
I love how its very old looking and surreal - It nearly looks like an abstract of a desert landscape

Nice, Bright and Vibrant

I love the framing in this shot, im currently working on getting rid of the cranes in the background - cause they're REALLY ignoring me -_- But everything else i'm loving. This is one of those accidental shots but the ones that tend to turn out really well! 

When taking this shot - I thought about using the flash on my camera - it certainly worked on bringing out the focus and saturation in the frame in comparison to the others. I also like how the lamp post adds more depth to the shot by acting as a strong source of leading lines.

The deep colours set the tone and depth for this shot! I love how the colours f the large bubble frames the landscape

This one was originally a landscape - but the foreground was so messy, i experimented by only keeping the back ground - i think this has worked in the sense of creating a panoramic effect.

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