Wednesday 27 November 2013

Greenwich Filming and Scholarship

On the 18th November, I went down to Greenwich university to have a scholarship interview! Needless to say, when I was younger and failing at highschool and general life,  i NEVER thought i'd even be able to go to university - let alone be offered an interview for a scholarship!

Its not that I never tried at school - I was just never good at anything. If it wasn't for my amazing sixth form college theres no way i'd be where I am right now. I dont know where i'd be right now if I wasn't doing film studies, media or photography.
I'd probably be applying for some kind of full time job at a taxi office with my dad... D: ew.

Sorry. Just got a but nostalgic there...

So anyway - point of this blog is while I was there - as well as being offered the scholarship - Cinderella was being shot there at the Greenwich chapel. I think the film is going to come out in 2015 - I cant wait to see the film and recognise the people in the costumes and see how they got different shots and things like that!

You should have seen the lighting and filming equipment! I could only watch from the distance. But it all looked so exciting! I just wanted to jump into the action and help carry a camera or a jib.. or a lighting diffuser!

If I did end up going to that uni - it would be cool to just get a deck chair and watch everything happen while a huge production company make a film! Could even be better than watching a film! If your a student there - you even get a chance to be a runner on the film...

Im ot looking forward to making the 'which uni will i go to?' choice :S

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