Thursday 7 November 2013

Filming 05&06 November 2013

So, iv been doing a bit of filming lately...
On the 5th, two friends and myself where filming for our film studies project - There was one slight problem...
People living around Ipswich will know there where some storms not that long ago and unfortunately, the forest wasn't exactly how we left it. There where all kinds of trees and branches fallen down and there wasn't really a spare space to stand.
Luckily, the tree my group had planned on using was still safely useable and we could work around the wreckage the storm had left.
I felt pretty bad for our lead actress, it was freezing cold and there she was in a prom dress taking on the elements! Im pretty sure she got a cold from it all (Especially when she had to dip her feet in the frozen water) - but blankets, towels and coats where always on hand for her!

But all in all, the footage we got was pretty good and now i just have to edit and we'll eventually have a finished product.

THEN yesterday - I was filming a project i'm doing for myself and i filmed like half of it...
I thought it went well - the lighting was really simple but the hardest aspect of filming was trying to get extreme close ups with an automatic camera.

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