Saturday 27 December 2014

A stop motion Christmas

I'll set the scene...

I'm on my own in the house and just finished another two pages of my essay, the Christmas tree is up and the blinking lights keep glaring on the TV as I watch watch a generally bad TV show based in Chelsea or some town in England. I've finished the bag of cheesy doritos so what else is there to do rather then make a festive stop motion film?

The concept is:

All the pretty Christmas decorations are put on the tree except for the small tatty angel left at the bottom of the Christmas decorations bag. The small tatty angel climbs out the bag and makes her way up the tree, stopping once to munch on a Christmas tree chocolate. She continues on until she makes her way up the tree when she finally reaches the top and pushes the larger angel off her throne while the small tatty angel takes her place at the top of the tree.

Behind the scenes:

This was the scene when the little angel is crawling out of the bag - which took a really long time to do!

This is the tatty angel with all the fishing wire attached to it

This is the head angel who will be kicked off her pedestal

Here's one of the other angels placed at the tree around the top

and here we see the tree!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely story line. Can't wait to see the finished movie short.
