Monday 25 March 2013

You always have enough time ;)

I could not do anything if my days were not constantly busy!!
Today, i got up and looked after my mum and went to college for 9am, then i arranged someone to go over to look after mum minutes before first lesson started!
When I got home (Around 5pm  I was able to clean the house, cook dinner and keep an eye on mum within two hours. After eating with mum i got her into the bath and out.
So now its 9PM and im finally laying down but with my laptop in front of me ready to do a film essay!
I don't know how i'd cope if i wasn't busy 24/7!!

The film essay is how gender is represented in horror films - im writing about Eden Lake (awesome film) and The Decent (Also, another god film).
Due in Wednesday, as well as a star case study... i can do this!!

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