Friday 10 January 2014

A Muffin, An Orange and some Milk

A muffin, an orange and some milk.
This is what I needed after a day like today...

This seems to happen a lot, but once again the laptop with all my software, college work and film projects has decided to stop working. Again.
I gave it into the repair man today to see if it could be fixed.


Yep. six hundred pounds to get it fixed!
Mum called me to tell me the price and she said he said it would be £300 - and I nearly shot myself in the foot and that one, so when I called the repair guy myself and he told me THAT price...
But wait it gets better!

He then went on to say that it'd probably be work getting a new laptop all together which (minimum) will be at least another £200!
Dont really have the money to buy a new mac at the moment but I don't really have the time not to be editing or doing Photoshop or things like that at home - especially since they kick you out of college if you stay late :/
Then yesterday I find that the Suffolk film festival is no more! I also cant find the lead for my external hard drive!
Ive got my interview in less than two weeks and now with no mac, im limited to the work I can do at home...

But on the bright side of things, I won £2 on the lottery which will pay for my bus fare to work tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. well done, always good to stay positive and look on the bright side.... you never know what might be just around the corner... ;)
