Monday 26 January 2015

Killing time in London

I've never seen the red London Eye, I know this is a cliche shot of the touristy london eye shot but I thought it looked pretty cool in the red.

I was meant to meet a friend around half four, but she missed her train... so now she wouldn't be getting in until half seven. 
I mean it could've been worse, I was in a really nice, busy area of London! I took a walk over to covent garden and found this INCREDIBLE macaroon shop and while I was walking back to the station the cool food market was on too!

I really want to try going to London again and just wonder about, it's fun having no plans and no pressure - ive heard you can get really cheap theatre tickets if you turn up at the last minute, so maybe i'll try that next weekend!

The Stop Motion Angel


As promised (though a bit late) here is the Christmas stop motion I made! This was my first stop motion I've tried to do properly and I think it actually went pretty well! The hardest thing for me was probably in the editing and getting all the timing right. Obviously it was also hard during the actual filming and trying to make all the shots appear seamless, I mainly wanted to do this stop motion because I saw an INCREDIBLE stop motion by one of my favourite youtubers - they don't quite compare BUT I was really please with this first outcome.

Friday 16 January 2015

Bike path

 This was one of those spare of the moment shots I took on my way to a seminar. I got some odd looks BUT considering I took it and edited it on my phone, I think it came out really well!

I love coming across scenes when you literally just have to stop everything and take the shot.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Modelling Head Shots

So here's something new!

I've just spent the morning taking male head shots for my brothers latest career venture and I think considering it was both our first times at trying something like this it actually went pretty well! I tried different angles and the whole 3 point lighting thing but the hardest thing for me was focusing on everything at once! Like the aperture of the camera as well as the focus and trying to keep the model comfortable and relaxed.

These are a few of the shots that we took - I haven't edited them at the moment but im womdering if I should or if I need too. I was trying to copy some of the things I saw in other head shots I've seen online...

I think this is my favourite for his head shot

But then at the end when it all got a bit serious I thought it was wonderful that my crazy mother felt it was necessary to have a go - it was great fun! 

I love this shot, its so happy and joyful!