Monday 6 October 2014

1 minute documentary

Today we were given our first assignments as an individual! I have to make a minute documentary on something about me....
Im feeling alright after we were given the task because of everything I did at Suffolk One to do with documentary :)

This was a mind map I made when I was going through some ideas...
I dont really want to do anything too heavy by going down the routes of the wheelchair or my brother - that in't really me anymore any way!
I think Im gonna go down the book route - I like the idea of doing something simple but with the opportunity to get creative with the editing :)

The only thing im worried about is the length... 1 minute is not a lot :/

Just had another idea!
What about instead of a book like my fiction - I go through a book like a diary or a journal? Seeing different events and how they lead to different ones...
I'd like to do that with flashbacks though so it may not be ideal for the one minute documentary - It would be good though because I do rely on my day to day diary. I guess it also shows a lot about me... who i meet with the most, where i go, how much time i'd spend working and of course the amount of lists i make!

This is what lead me to the idea...

I watched the video in the link above, this is what lead me to the diary idea.
It was because the girls was telling us about her life and although I wanted to do something similar - I didn't want to do it that much in your face... not to mention I would hate doing a voice over. But another way I can show people a slice of life, I'd also like to do it because I cant imagine many people having the same idea.

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