Friday 27 June 2014

Infectious - Short Film/Documentary


Its no secret that my family face some severe mental health problems, mainly my brother. He suffers from schizophrenia and transient psychosis, this has been the case for the last nine years. During the making fo this short film/documentary his illness had gotten much more intense when he refused to take medication and decided to face the problem through my camera which helped me to deal with everything happening around me as a coping method and turn everything into a form of art rather than real life.
However, after I made the documentary it also helped everyone to understand my brother better and a few months after he started calming down from taking his medication he also watched it and was able to see himself in another way and I think had an overall positive affect on him. 

The making of this has had a lot of impact on a lot of areas of my life and I think it could be one of the best films i'll make! 
Unless you've lived with this kind of mental health its near impossible to imagine or even to describe what the careers have to go through and the illness of the individual often ends up tearing the family apart - but this film helped me and mum to remember that its the illness that makes my brother act like that, not himself and we cant hold him against it for something he cant control.

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