Friday 6 June 2014

Documentary Photography - His Insanity


These photos are like a summery of the documentary I did on my brother, he was diagnosed with transient psychosis and schizophrenia over five years ago. This is some of my most honest work and it really did make a huge difference to me and my family.

I do have a separate blog dedicated to the whole documentary and project...

This project looks at the tension, frustration and strain my brothers condition has put on his family and his own life, although at the moment we're all enjoying a very stable, happier moment with my brothers mental health problems this whole project reflects on a time when everyone was ready to give up and my brother was stuck in a very dark, scary place.

I got inspiration for the name, 'Infectious' for the project from my own experience with my brothers mental health problems.
When you try to care and look after someone with severe mental health problems, it sometimes feel as if your going crazy yourself. 

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