Friday 12 July 2013

Moving House At Night... (PhotoDocumentary)

SO. Its been a while since I last did a proper post :( BUT here is a few documented shots of me moving house (One reason I haven't been posting) with Harris, my cat. 
I was really impressed by these shots because they where all taken by a camera phone! ---
---It's amazing what technology can do these days ;)

I loved seeing Harris's silhouette against the back window --- I went through SO much trouble of trying to make him comfy in the car so he wouldn't freak out but in the end he just scratched me and found a drawer to lye in in the back.

I love these shots! They're so pretty, I was really impressed by how these shots came out on my phone ---- I didn't think my phone would be able to handle the lighting, stability or movement of the car. But. Clearly, I was proved wrong!  

I got the red filter because when i put on my flash on the camera, it picked out the red from my phone case!
None of these shots have been edited.

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