Wednesday 24 July 2013


This could be my first step into the industry! 

I've been excepted to volunteer at the mighty fin ICTV in ipswich
Ipswich Community Television Studio!!!!

My first task is to make a video diary......

I thought of my idea (wheel chair days)
I went and bought an amazing (but very cheap) camcorder and tripod
And started filming that night. Im going in tomorrow to edit the footage

This is so amazing! Not only have i finally got something to do this summer but it'll be fun, its not that far away AND I can put it on my personal statement for uni application!! 

Everyone seemed so relaxed and friendly.... 

So aswell as buying my new camera and tripod :D
Today, I also got my new Mac Book Pro delivered!!! Which came complete with all the software programms a found film maker could want

WOW... i sound like im quite well off. THAT NEVER HAPPENS\
Seriously though, i got this stuff dirt cheap - mainly because ive been very lucky the past few days.

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