Friday 12 April 2013

Don't be getting the wrong idea...

You'll all probably notice that most of the stuff i post is dark and creepy photography and the two shot films I've posted aren't a bag full of smiles either.

And I just wanted to clear that that isn't my ONLY style... I can do other variations of genre or lighting and other skills like that but with college right now I can't because all the projects im getting just happen to be creepy.

I was showing my photography to my Nan the other day.
She asked if i 'was allowed to show this kind of thing at college'...
My Nan keeps getting new perspectives of me, i swear...
The other day, my brother told her I was gay - and now she acts weird or says a weird comment when ever there's an attractive women on the TV :L

But anyway back to topic...
When all these projects and coursework is finished, i can start concentrating on lighter, happier subjects in photography - instead of trees and wood protruding from my skin : D

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