Saturday 27 April 2013


Searching (link to youtube)

Thursday 18 April 2013

First creepy makeup edited

Well, here are the first few done and edited!! Keep in mind this is for my final photography exam (TOMORROW!!) - the objective is obscure and covert... ive tried a few different variations to experiment with different styles

I tried this one with a really high brightness and contrast which had a great effect with the exposure.
And i love the reflection aspect with the sword next to my face (real sword!!)

My favourite aspect about this shot is the angle and the direction of lighting!

Tried this with a low saturation and a high exposure

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Graphic Clouds

I love this shot and i haven't even edited it yet!! 
It's like the clouds are just rolling in!! 

The Missing- Opening to a thriller

The Missing <--- LINK 

Im seriously proud of this!! 
click the link and it'll take you too youtube! 
This is a project i did with a small group of people at college...

You can see all the planning we did for it at My Other Blog <--- link

Suffolk Film Festival


So, at my college there's a Film Society
       In this film society is a bunch of Beautiful Film Nerds
And these film nerds are organizing a film festival!! 

It's gonna be a lot a fun - i'll be there too - and hopefully submitting a film!!

You people out there should check it out and maybe even enter something?? You don't JUST have to submit a film... how about a music video or... or actually you could just check out the website!!
Super amazing awesome film festival!!! <--- Press link!!

It's being held at my college because of the huge screens and everything -
I really want to enter a film called 'Real Delusions' and im going to move everything from my film blog to this one :D

Im going to smite you with my womanly glory


depicted in ink

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Something about this...

I don't know what it is...
But i love this image, it's one of the best I've done although its so simple compared to some of the detailed edits i do at college - the beauty about this is the simplicity!

All i did to this shot was increase brightness/contrast and made it monochrome.

I imagine its a long, high angle shot looking down at a great hall and those are the doors opening to the outside.... Or is that just me?? 

Friday 12 April 2013

Don't be getting the wrong idea...

You'll all probably notice that most of the stuff i post is dark and creepy photography and the two shot films I've posted aren't a bag full of smiles either.

And I just wanted to clear that that isn't my ONLY style... I can do other variations of genre or lighting and other skills like that but with college right now I can't because all the projects im getting just happen to be creepy.

I was showing my photography to my Nan the other day.
She asked if i 'was allowed to show this kind of thing at college'...
My Nan keeps getting new perspectives of me, i swear...
The other day, my brother told her I was gay - and now she acts weird or says a weird comment when ever there's an attractive women on the TV :L

But anyway back to topic...
When all these projects and coursework is finished, i can start concentrating on lighter, happier subjects in photography - instead of trees and wood protruding from my skin : D

More dark and creepy...

Still yet to edited, these are just the origionals - im probably going to go monochrome

Thursday 11 April 2013


Fire Exit

Final Costume and Makeup Outcomes

Here are a small sample of the final outcomes of the shoot i did the other night, 
obviously i still need to edit them but these are the original shots. I think when it comes to editing i might turn a few monochrome, maybe experiment with some overlaying?? 

Purposely trying to get the shaky image

This kind of image would look better B/W because too much light was put on the roots
and they look a bit naff

Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Left Overs

I always manage to find some great shots that seem to get lost in the system and never really get shown but they're cool or unique in their own ways 


Mr Harris 

I guess im lucky enough to live on a boat yard to get these kind of shots :)

Contrast Photography

You would not believe how long i had to wait to get a clean frame of people, birds or cars...
True devotion :D

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Final Make Up and Costume

Final Makeup Experiment for Exam

Okay, so we're all aware i have a photography exam soon!
This is the final look for how im doing the makeup which is going to give the 'obscure' part of the objective.

Apologies for the FACE- couldn't really make a different expression because of how the glue set.
I did this by literally sticking toilet paper to my face with craft glue (Pre-school friendly kind) and just using it to mold the toilet paper.
This is happening like NOW!! Im writing this with it on my face waiting for it to dry so i can add some paint!

Disclaimer: Also just for the record (I've just realized  although it may not look it... I am wearing a dress :L You see it during the filming... just not the photos -_-

This is the left side of my face. You can just about tell where the one layer of glue has set

Im going to use make up to make this side look like big veins and scars

Head on shot...
Like the glasses im using to keep hair out my face?? 

Now im just waiting for it to dry so i can crack on!!

Okay, so i guess this was like Phase Two...
The second part was cover myself with the white face paint and i got the nice crinkly skin effect...
s'all good

I really like how it seems to represent thawing ice...
I might work on that more on another project.
To start with though when i thought of it, i thought of maybe going with the ice theme... but i got SUCH a better

White painted along shoulders
God that face... *Face Palm*

Once the white face paint had dried... i added the colour

Getting some colour on this action

The Picture above, if you'll notice, is me WITHOUT developing trunks out her through and the one below in the process of having trees out her throat!! :D

Taking a lot of inspiration from traditional geisha makeup

Think i need to moisturize more???

FINISHED!!! Ready to start filming!!!