Sunday 4 August 2013

Wedding Video!! New Opportunity!!

I have another chance to up my personal statement again!! (CVS is going good btw)

My wonderful cousin Gemma is getting married to a charming chap called Dan - any who - I asked if it was okay to film some of their wedding and make a best bits of the day.... and they said YES!!!

I could write that up as doing a private job for my CV or personal statement - and they said they'd pay me with cake and meat!! - What an amazing combination ;)

So i've been thinking about the kind of things i want to get included in this video and i want to get a lot of the decor in the posh manor house
people laughing and having fun
The bride and groom holding hands, kissing and laughing (couple things)
If there will be any toasts or speeches

And of course those little cute moments someone is bound to share...
The wedding is tomorrow and everyone is SO excited and everyone is going to look so nice (Great for the video and pictures)

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