Thursday 23 May 2013

Using Motion!!

Today i have been expanding my skills!!
This was my first time I've used Motion (software) to create anything of any worth - i was experimenting with features for my opening sequence for my short film, to which i still dont know what im going to call it (i made up a temp name for sake of using Motion.
This doesn't mean im going to use the exact sequence for it but i was proud of the outcome for playing about with it for half an hour!!!

This is the first one i tried, i had a bit of trouble exporting but i liked how i was able to get the text to move and how i got the hang of the different timings of the motion (was a lot easier when i found the timeline :D)


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I actually broke my car while doing this shoot...
This is my brother and his friends trying to fix it!!

Saturday 18 May 2013

Just a note to say...

These are just a few shots left over from my photography exam period!
Check em out :)

Yes, this shot was taken under water :D

Experimenting with split imaging!! This was my first attempt

Sunday 12 May 2013

Second time filming

I think I'm going with 'Time Gone' for the title.

Today I've been focusing on re-shooting and adding more shots to what I already have, but because it requires a lot of work with both kiki and taz (dog) its taken around 2 and a half hours to get three scenes right.

One scene that took perfect synchronization with the kid and the dog took around 10 takes!!
I'm finding that the most important thing is to keep the little girl motivated and giving her examples of everyday life she can use to act around -

For example..... I told her (when she's getting chased home by a zombie and she has to run fast and be panicked and slam the door) to pretend the other side of the door was home when she was playing IT and someones about to tag her! It actually worked, I got a much better reaction from her!
I'm exhausted but we gotta keep going!!! I have to get this film to the Suffolk film festival!!!

Saturday 11 May 2013


.... .. . ........... ...   ... lbd;kfuba;kubgalfba <- My frustration

Films for the Suffolk film festival is due in 21st June....   . . . . . .

Im already pushed for time what with production and post production and exams and the time schedule of the "actress" so i wanted to film for AT LEAST the next two weekends!!!!
But... the actress went to a BBQ/party things today and she had one of those braid things knitted into her hair.......


"well can you take it out for filming tomorrow?"
"Well, i just got it put in today... so"

Theres going to be a bit of a continuity error otherwise and NO-ONE seems to understand this apart from me

So filming is off for tomorrow AND the actress is going to Brighton next weekend


Im staring to think this film isn't meant to be!!!!

Saturday 4 May 2013

"Never work with kids or animals"

Thats the saying right? When talking about filming?
Well today I had to work with BOTH!!!
Today i started filming for the short film im hoping to make for the Suffolk Film Festival!
I've changed the idea about 3 times because of issues of time and people - but i got a few weeks to go now and it looks like im on track!!

This is the star of my short film (still dont know the name!)
Her name is KIKI and this is during the start of filming when i convinced her
she needed to eat baked beans (She didn't like that one) but bless her she did her best!

"No more beans"

This was the outside of my house - or in the film world "The den"

Kiki climbing up "The mountain"

The amount of times i had to tell her to not look at the camera :D
or, stop smiling!

This is us moving to and from sets

Chilling out on set - What do you think of her costume??
Does it scream post-apocalyptic chic?? 
I'll make a special video i made during making the film and and when we finished it :D

Friday 3 May 2013


Just a quick update seeing as I haven't been posting things as much...
Im starting filming for a new project tomorrow - although im not sure what im going to call it yet, but im getting a load of inspiration from The HungerGames!

I've finally submitted all my photography, so there wont be as much creepy/dark stuff.
So im hoping tomorrow will go okay - you know what they say "Never work with kids!" well i've got a little girl to feature in my script!

I was also told a cool way to create an adaptation for a stedi-cam today!!
Get a plastic bag and cut a hole for the lens and tap it to keep it in place - then you can just hold the bag and it's held all smoothly and makes an effective stedi-cam!!