Tuesday 21 April 2015

My Athens Adventure!


A few weeks ago in February, I contracted a bad case of the travelling bug! And all because my 'super selfish' friend whisked me off to an incredible trip to Paris...
Since then all I've wanted to do is get on a plane and just explore the world! It was a very quick transition. Well, we all have to start somewhere so I started off with the incredible city of Athens! All these photos were taken on my Nokia Lumia 920 and at first I was worried because I didn't have my Pentax K-r to take photos on but I was really surprised at how good the photos came out and how little I had to compromise when taking the photos! I want to add some more photos soon and put some of them through photoshop but these are the ones so far anyway! 
I haven't really posted any photos (or much of anything in a while to be honest) but i'm hoping that's going to change over the next couple of weeks! 

Athens is like the photographers dream! As well as the usual sightseeing photography you can do pretty much anywhere, if you walk down a side street (be aware of the dangers though obviously) and you see a completely different side of the city! I loved seeing all the different graffiti (or art) all over the walls...