Saturday 14 February 2015

Some work

I know I've only had a few volunteer film work jobs while I've been at university, but it's all so exciting and I'm learning a lot and getting much more confident in what is generally expected of me and others and what I should and shouldn't be doing. But I guess that's the point, learn it now so you dont make mistakes when you get a real, paid job... dont get me wrong though, I'm having so much fun with all these different jobs and tasks! 
For example, getting to go to all kind of secret and hidden places at Holloway has been SO cool! I got to go film underground in the tunnels and see some really old art work from the archives that haven't been put on show on a really long time! And we're going to film in London next saturday, i'm also excited because I'm hoping that I've another volunteer job in april - I'm just trying to literally do as much as possible. And as long as I'm breathing I can always do more :D

Some pictures from the tunnels!