Friday 21 June 2013

Liz Hingley...


In 2010, Liz did a project called ‘The Jones Family’, a family with two parents and seven children and explored the meaning and experience of a family going through genuine deprivation within a considerably wealthy country. She found that for 3.9 million children across the UK are living in severe poverty.
The jones family lives in a three bedroom council house in the industrial town of Wolverhampton, this is the first house the family lived in for three generations while their parents were brought up in caravans, as were their parents. Even though they are in extreme cramped conditions, they refuse to move because of the memories the house gives them. 

For me, the mise en scene really creates the atmosphere and is the strongest aspect of the composition. 
Rhe cluttered work tops creates an impression of a cluttered but also laid back attitube to more main stream and house proud values such as organisation and order in the home. It could also represent their lack of control in their lives and home. 
The ambient lighting of the frame is very white washed and bleak 

 I found that for me, in this shot, the depth of feild is the most striking contribute to the composition because of how it draws your attention to the items in the foreground. The dark, deep saturated colours create an aged atmosphere - a sense of tradition, which is emphasized by the traditional family board game. 

The composition of the shot draws my attention to the floor in the frame because of how the legs frame the mess and emphasizes the little foot room on the bedroom floor and again looks at the mess and clutter of the family and lack of middle class/mainstream values of being house proud.

My favourite aspect of this shot would be the framing because of how it captures a casual moment in the families routine. 
To me, this shot makes me think the message ortrayed is the simplistic needs of the family - LIke the family are able to make a home anywhere as long as they have simplistic basics (In this example - a sofa, newspaper and each other)
However, the thing that i really like about this shot is that i can personal remember sitting on a sofa like this in my garden - the cluttered mess (as well as looking disorganised) makes a more homely atmosphere. 

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Cutting it fine...///

The film for the film festival is due in this Friday (21st June)
Its the 18th today

Basically, due to actors and everything else that could've gone wrong, I'm scrapping my Time Gone film for the festival and submitting my Photography AS exam piece with a few alterations.
I'm going to London tomorrow all day to look a Westminster university (Harrow Campus). So I cant use the computers at college :(
So i have to do it on Thursday... Its fine.

I've definatley learnt some valubal skills about independant film making (by myself)
I've also learnt not to have a film deadline around the time your moving house -_-

Up at sun set

I was able to get up early enough to catch the sun set!!
Around 4am -_-

Saturday 15 June 2013

Monday 10 June 2013

The Problems With Filming...

Basically, this is a small video diary entry of the latest issues with making my film...
Maybe some of you film makers can relate to these problems with actors?? Especially the younger ones :/
Also, ive decided im not going to enter the short film into the suffolk film festival but im still going to finish it and help out at the festival but because of all the extra filming I gotta do - theres no way im gonna be done as well as managing my responsibilities at home and helping all my family to move house (hopefully) in around two weeks.